What an amazing show at @ticatsandcakes show this weekend. The show team made the whole event yet again fun fun fun! THANK YOU! I can only imagine how much planning and work goes into making a cat show so enjoyable for all cats, exhibitors and the public.
My skinfants made me so proud!!!
Mochi’s (aka Velvetskin Sincerely Yours) first TICA show and she has gained a Champion with two finals this weekend with such a big class of sphynx and 64 adult cats in this show! Harry (aka MeadowSphynx Vincero) showed his socks off and made into 3 finals…
and last but not least Pookie (aka MeadowSphynx XOXO Pookie) she has made 8 out of 10 finals in the kitten class and was a 4th best kitten in the whole show. I am so very proud of her!
Our Beautiful MeadowSphynxVennila aka Nelly came along for na exhhibition as her mum and dad were already entered. I think she could come along next time as she has really enjoyed all of the attention from the public..
Thank you to all the judges for their feedback. So happy.
I will post more videos and pictures during the week as we have some cracking show pictures!